LON is a useful technique that help those patients who does not want to have an external fixator for a long time over their bones.We use the external fixator only during the lengthening period while there is a nail inside the bone, then after completing the lengthening we lock the nail inside the bone and we remove the fixator, so the nail can protect the weak newly formed bone till full consolidation within 4-5 months later.
The advantage of this operation that the whole procedure take about 10-12 weeks and that it is much cheaper than doing fully internal nail.
The disadvantages that we need to do 2 operations: one to insert the nail and apply the fixator and another to lock the nail and remove the fixator after completing the lengthening.
The advantage that it is cheaper than full internal implant and that it allows applying a stronger implant than the full internal that can allow the patient to walk and weight bear.

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